Alexander Dorner (1893 - 1957)
Experimental Mobile Studio
This is a vehicle that will begin its operations by travelling around Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara Bay, hosting individual artists with one month residencies, who will use the Bay as their principal concern to create multi-media site-specific art interventions. The vehicle is a customized camper van equipped with audio and video production equipment and a facility for workshops aimed at young people from the local communities. Institutitions, NGOs and schools are invited to collaborate as key contributers.
This project is being supported by Rio de Janeiro's Secretary of Culture.
EME Residency objectives:
• Make available tools which are increasingly used in contemporary art practice
• Highlight art practice made in video and sound
• Present theoretical concepts of the image and sound spatiality & temporality
• Bring art from the capital effectively to the suburbs
• Reflect on Ecology and Art. The Guanabara Bay as principle ‘raw’ material
• Create ideal solutions for current social and environmental decline
• Produce a publication with the project’s results and critical texts.
• Exhibit the EME mobile studio as a platform for interactive multi-media art.
EME is working towards achieving its artistic objectives through a concern with:Green energy and self-sufficiency
Sensitive Technology towards nature
Ethical and Ecological development
Estúdio Móvel Experimental
Este veiculo começa sua operação viajando entorno a Baia de Guanabara, no Rio de Janeiro, recebendo artistas que ficarão um mês em residência, onde usarão a baia como conceito para criar uma intervenção artística multimídia. O veículo é uma kombi customizada com equipamentos de áudio e vídeo e que além das intervenções os artistas realizarão workshops direcionados para adolescentes das comunidades locais em volta da baia de Guanabara. Instituições, ONGs e escolas são contempladas, sendo contribuidores chaves.
Parte do projeto é financiado pela Secretaria de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro.
EME está trabalhando para alcaçar seus objetivo por meio de:
Energia 'Verde' e auto sustentabilidade;
Tecnologia sensitiva a natureza;
Desenvolvimento Etico e Ecológico.

graphics by Ivan Henriques